Unlocking Peak Performance: Harnessing Focus and Awareness

access_time 2024-02-24T13:27:11.9Z face Coach Ambrose
Unlocking Peak Performance: Harnessing Focus and Awareness Journey from Poetry in Motion to Mental Mastery Have you ever watched an elite athlete in action and thought to yourself, "Wow, that's like poetry in motion"? You marvel at their lightning-fast speed, their explosive jumps, or how they can m...

Mindful Coaching: Nurturing Commitment and Motivation in Student-Athletes

access_time 1706622540000 face Coach Ambrose
Mindful Coaching: Nurturing Commitment and Motivation in Student-Athletes 2 minutes, 39 seconds. Contains 532 words Unlocking Sustainable Success in Youth Sports According to a 2024 report by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), a staggering 70% of youth athletes drop out of organized sports by...

Unlocking Peak Performance: Mental Performance Coaching for Student-Athletes

access_time 1705320000000 face Coach Ambrose
Mental Performance Coaching for Student-Athletes Unlocking Peak Performance for Youth Athletes Introduction Mental performance coaching plays a crucial role in a student-athlete's success, as it complements physical training, boosting mental well-being and overall performance. This blog post is aime...

Overcome Obstacles By Becoming Mentally Fit

access_time 1704407220000 face Coach Ambrose
Overcome Obstacles By Becoming Mentally Fit About Ambrose Hi, I’m Coach Ambrose. I work with athletes, business people, and people who care for others, helping them overcome procrastination, self-doubt, and fear by building the mental strength needed to reach their goals and new levels of success. A...